
【老師救救我】contact 和 contact with 怎麼用才對?


整理◎Career編輯部 內容提供◎HOPE English 希平方學英文

圖 / HOPE English 希平方學英文


  1. I’ve been trying to contact / contact with you all day.
  2. We can discuss / discuss about it later.
  3. I want to emphasize / emphasize on the importance of self-learning.
  4. Judy lacks / lacks of confidence.



contact 這個字當動詞「聯絡」時,為及物動詞,後面直接接上受詞就好囉,不需要介係詞。所以第一題的答案是:

I’ve been trying to contact you all day.(我一整天都在試著聯絡你。)

再來看幾個 contact 當動詞的例句:

You can contact us via Skype or email.(你可以透過 Skype 或電子郵件聯絡我們。)

Mia's dog has been missing for three days, and thus she decides to contact the police.(Mia 的狗狗已經走失三天了,所以她決定要報警。)

那 contact 在當作名詞使用時,才會搭配介係詞 with 唷。例如:

I'm still in contact with my friends from college.(我跟我大學的朋友還有在聯絡。)


discuss 這個字在使用時,一樣是不加介係詞的唷~所以第二題的答案是:

We can discuss it later.(我們可以待會再討論。)


Let’s discuss the issue later during the meeting.(我們等等在會議上討論這個問題。)

Did we discuss this topic last week?(我們上週討論過這個主題了嗎?)

那除非是把 discuss 替換成意思相似的 talk about,或者是名詞用法 discussion about someone / somebody「有關某人事物的討論」,才會有介係詞唷。:

They are talking about sending their kids abroad to study.(他們在討論送小孩出國念書。)

We had a heated discussion about politics with the taxi driver.(我們和計程車司機熱烈地討論了政治一番。)


bumpkin 是「鄉巴佬」的意思,這個字也帶有強烈的刻板印象:

看到這裡,聰明的你應該歸納出來了吧~emphasize「強調」也是及物動詞,不可以加上 on 唷!所以第三題的答案是:

I want to emphasize the importance of self-learning.(我想要強調自學的重要性。)

而名詞用法的 emphasis 會搭配 on,put / place emphasis on something 就解釋為「重視某事物」,例如:

We have been putting a strong emphasis on giving excellent customer service.(我們一直以來都極為注重給予優質客戶服務。)

The company placed zero emphasis on team-building.(這家公司完全不重視團隊建設。)


最後這個也是很多人搞不清楚呢。lack 在當動詞時是不加介係詞的唷,lack something 就可以表示「缺少某物」。因此第四題的答案是:

Judy lacks confidence.(Judy 缺乏信心。)

而除了 confidence 之外,lack 後面也時常搭配 experience「經驗」、ability「能力」、skill「技巧」、power「力量」等名詞喔。

Dan lacks the ability to persuade others even though he is a salesperson.(Dan 雖然是銷售人員,卻缺乏說服他人的能力。)

那 lack 在當名詞時,的確是會加上介係詞 of 的。例如:

Sammy kept making mistakes because of her lack of experience.(Sammy 因為缺乏經驗而頻頻犯錯。)

Joe was found not guilty because of a lack of evidence.(因為缺乏證據,Joe 獲判無罪。)


英文 介係詞


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