


整理◎Career編輯部 內容提供◎HOPE English 希平方學英文

圖 / HOPE English 希平方學英文

Red-handed 當場抓到

The teacher caught the boy red-handed and told him to stay after class.(老師當場抓到那男孩,並且要他放學後留下來。)

Green thumb 綠手指(園藝高手)

Her father has a green thumb and is able to make plants flourish.(她的父親有綠手指並能讓植物欣欣向榮。)

White elephant 累贅;無用之物

The multifunctional machine turned out to be a white elephant.(那多功能機器結果只是無用之物。)

Golden opportunity 千載難逢的機會

Buck up and start preparing so you won’t miss the golden opportunity to get your first job!(上緊發條並開始準備,你才不會錯失得到第一份工作的好機會!)

Red tape 繁文縟節

The enormous amount of red tape resulted in making it almost impossible for new businesses to start up.(龐雜的繁文縟節讓新公司幾乎不可能可以開創。)

Silver screen 電影產業

After his debut on Broadway, the lead actor spent the rest of his career on the silver screen.(那主角自從在百老匯初登場後,便花了一生剩餘的時間在電影產業。)

Blue collar 藍領

Blue-collar workers stood up for their rights in the demonstration.(藍領工人們在示威中為他們自身的權利挺身而出。)

Blue blood 貴族

Blue-blooded youths tend to live a luxurious life and have no sympathy for the poor.(貴族青年們過著奢華的生活並對窮人們毫無同情心。)

Pink slip 解雇通知

He got a pink slip during the economic depression.(他在經濟蕭條時期收到了解雇通知。)

Tickled pink 樂不可支

The little girl was tickled pink to see her father making faces.(小女孩看見她的父親扮鬼臉而被逗得樂不可支。)



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