
朋友跟你說『There, there.』是什麼意思?

同事或朋友之間若對話裡有There, there.,是甚麼意思?聰明的你可以幫忙解答嗎?

整理◎Career編輯部 內容提供◎HOPE English 希平方學英文

圖 / HOPE English 希平方學英文


A: The boss shot down every single one of my proposals, and humiliated me in front of many colleagues.(老闆打槍我每個提案,還在很多同事面前羞辱我。)

B: Aww, poor little rookie. But I’ve been there before, the boss even told me to f**k off.(噢,可憐的小菜鳥。但我之前也曾這樣過啦,老闆還叫我滾出去呢。)

A: I… I don’t know. I am stressed out. Maybe I’m just a sad loser, or maybe I should quit.(我…我不知道。我壓力好大。或許我就是個悲哀的失敗者,又或許我該辭職。)

B: There, there. Don’t be so desperate. Let’s have a drink after work and I can give you some advice.(_____。別這麼絕望嘛。我們下班後去喝一杯,我可以給你一些意見。)

同事 B 最後為什麼要說 There, there. 呢?他叫對方看那裡幹嘛?聰明的你可以幫忙解答嗎?

There, there. 是什麼意思?

原來啊,There, there. 並不是叫別人看那裡的意思,而是一句安慰人的話,表示「好啦、沒事啦」,常用來對哭泣或沮喪的人說。在電影《大英雄天團中》,杯麵(Baymax)就曾經安慰主角說:

You will be alright. There, there.(你會沒事的。好了、好了。)


There, there. Don’t bottle up your feelings. You can always cry on my shoulder.(沒事啦。你別壓抑。你永遠都可以靠在我的肩膀上哭泣。)


A: I've had enough of Steve! I’m the only one who is devoted to our relationship. I am breaking up with him.(我受夠 Steve 了!這段感情只有我在付出。我要和他分手。)

B: There, there. This is your 356th time to say that this year. Just take a nap and you’ll be better.(好了,沒事啦。這是你今年第 356 次這樣說了。你只要睡個覺起來就會好一點了。)

而 There, there. 也能專門拿來哄哭泣的小孩唷。例如:

There, there. Stop crying. Let’s buy lollipops.(好啦。別哭啦。我們去買棒棒糖。)


(本英語教材由 HOPE English 希平方學英文 贊助提供)

哭泣 沮喪 安慰


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