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圖 / 攝影師:Tim Gouw,連結:Pexels



lockout是由lock、out 兩個字組成,意思即是「鎖在外面」,在本次情境中就是「不允許員工進入工作場合(除非同意某些條件)」, lock (v)也可跟其它單字搭配,如新冠肺炎爆發時政府下令封城lockdown (n);另外lock someone up指的是「把人關進監獄」。

The lockout finally came to end when the two sides reached a deal.


John was locked out of the house because he left without his keys in the morning.

(John 今早忘了帶鑰匙出門所以他被鎖在屋外。)

People spent more time on the internet during lockdowns.


Some people think that sex offenders should be locked up indefinitely.



In a startling turnabout after more than three months of largely stagnant negotiations, Major League Baseball and the MLB Players' Association reached agreement Thursday on a new collective bargaining agreement that will significantly impact the game, capping a five-day stretch of lengthy bartering that resulted in the chance to salvage a full, 162-game season. (USA Today)


MLB勞資雙方在三月初展開了密集談判協商(negotiate),這詞另外還可以用bargain (v)「討價還價」來形容, 兩個字都是多益測驗高頻出現的單字,bargain當名詞時還可解釋為「便宜、划算的東西」,也就是 a good deal。

The negotiation hit a deadlock since neither side wanted to give in.


You can usually find some good bargains during the clearance sale.


這段報導還用了形容詞 stagnant「停滯的」來形容協商,要表達薪水停滯很多年沒增漲時,就可以用stagnant來形容,動詞為stagnate (v)。

According to the report, surging gas prices and stagnant wages will have a great impact on the middle class.


agreement「協議、同意」也是多益常見的單字,職場生活中有不少場合需要簽署同意書和合約,類似的單字還有pact (n)「合約、協議」。

After five days of tough negotiations, the delegates from both countries have signed a trade pact.


The season will for the first time include a full-time designated hitter in the National League and conclude with expanded playoffs,…(USA today)


designate (v)「指定,指派」也可以用在designated driver「指定代駕」。expand (v)則是「擴大」的意思,經常形容擴展店面、擴大服務等情境。

Visitors to the company should park their cars in the designated area only.


A&G, the chain convenience store, is planning to expand its services to attract more customers.



  • ________ the economic slowdown, the company decided to proceed with their expansion plan.
    • Despite
    • Although
    • Because
    • However
  • In the meeting, Sarah Langston ________ to organize the workshops on “Digital Revolution”.
    • designates
    • is designating
    • was designated
    • designated
  • 正解為(A)。本題為文法題,「公司決定進行辦公室擴充計畫」和前面「______經濟成長減緩」有非預期的關係,因此表示「因果」關係的副詞如because並不符合句意。 副詞「儘管」符合語意,但 although 後面需要接子句,故(A)「儘管」為正確答案。
  • 2. 正解為(C)。本題為文法題,Sarah在句中是「被指派來辦工作坊」,因此要選擇被動式,故(C)為正確答案。


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