

最近國內的職棒又重新復賽,而且 NBA 也在如火如荼地打冠軍賽,真是讓人熱血沸騰!本文分享一些實用的看球英文!

整理◎Career編輯部 內容提供◎HOPE English 希平方學英文

圖 / HOPE English 希平方學英文


 scalper ticket

球場外時常會有賣黃牛票的人,而在英文中,「賣黃牛票」的動詞為 scalp。那在字尾加上 -er,scalper 就是指「黃牛」,因此「黃牛票」就叫做 scalper ticket 啦!我們一起來看這些單字的例子:

To prevent ticket scalping, the online booking system asks customers to enter their ID numbers while purchasing tickets.(為了遏止販賣黃牛票,那家線上訂購系統要求顧客在購票時輸入身分證字號。)

Scalpers may use bots to snatch tickets and resell them for unreasonably high prices.(黃牛可能會用網路機器人搶票,然後再用高到離譜的價格轉售。)

Many people were selling scalper tickets outside baseball stadiums during the WBC.(經典賽時,很多人在棒球場外販賣黃牛票。)


 starting line-up

比賽開始前,最關心的就是今天會上場的球員啦!Line-up 為名詞「隊伍、陣容」,那加上 starting,starting line-up 就表示「先發陣容」,也就是球賽開打前就決定好要上場的球員。來看個例子:

Lebron James returned to the starting line-up after a 20-game absence.(Lebron James 在缺席了 20 場比賽後重回先發陣容。)

另外,像是籃球的「先發五人」,英文會簡稱為 starting five;同理,棒球的「先發九人」則稱為 starting nine 唷!


必要時上場的代打者也很重要!benchwarmer 就是指「板凳球員」,例如:

The benchwarmer hit a grand slam in the bottom of the 9th inning.(那名板凳球員在九局下半擊出了滿貫全壘打。)


 home team

這個字應該很直觀吧!Home 在這裡的意思是「主場的」,所以 home team 就是「主隊」啦~例如:

The home team has to avoid being swept and end their three-game skid today.(主隊今天必須避免被橫掃以及終止三連敗。)

那如果想表達「在主場比賽」,英文則可以說 play at home。一樣來看個例子:

The Bucks are going to play against the Suns at home for the rest of the week.(公鹿隊這週剩下的幾天將在主場迎戰太陽隊。)

 away team

那相反地,away 則表示「客場的」,away team 就是指「客隊」,play away 為「打客場賽」。例如:

There are still fans cheering for the away team in the outfield seats.(在外野的座位上,客隊仍然有它的粉絲在加油打氣。)

Most teams have a lower winning percentage while playing away.(大部分的隊伍在客場的勝率都比較低。)

 play on the road


Playing on the road can be very tough. Players need to travel from one place to another overnight, and play at stadiums that they are not familiar with.(打客場賽很辛苦。球員必須連夜舟車勞頓,還要在不熟悉的球場出賽。)

黃牛票 職棒 NBA


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