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辦生日派對throw a birthday party

這裡的 throw 不是 「丟」,而是「舉行(派對)」的意思喔!例如:

We are looking for a cozy place to throw a birthday party for Kelly. Do you have any suggestions?
(我們在找一個溫馨的地方為 Kelly 辦生日派對。你有任何建議嗎?)

點蠟燭light the candles

Light 是動詞「點亮」,candle 則是名詞「蠟燭」,兩者合在一起自然就是「點蠟燭」的意思囉。例如:

A: Now’s the time. Let’s light the candles.

B: Oops, I forgot the lighter. What are we going to do?

拿出蛋糕bring (out) the cake

Gina burst into tears when we brought out the cake.
(Gina 在我們拿出蛋糕時哭了。)

唱生日快樂歌sing "Happy Birthday"

We started singing "Happy Birthday" when he walked in.

閉上眼睛close one’s eyes

Now close your eyes. Don’t peek. We’ve got a surprise for you.

許願make a wish

Wish 是「願望」,搭配動詞 make 來表示「許願」。那在臺灣,過生日時我們習慣許下三個願望,但在西方國家通常只會許下一個心願喔。例如:

All right, everyone, be quiet. The birthday boy is going to make a wish.

吹熄蠟燭blow out the candles

Blow out 是「吹熄」,candle 則是「蠟燭」,合在一起自然就是指「吹熄蠟燭」囉。例如:

Don’t forget to make a wish before you blow out the candles.

切蛋糕cut the cake

It’s a common birthday tradition for the birthday person to cut the first piece of the cake.

發送生日祝福send a birthday wish

Nowadays, people like to send birthday wishes through text messages or social networking sites.


吹蠟燭 許願 切蛋糕 希平方


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