什麼是 acquired taste?這樣形容大人味美食!
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an acquired taste
還真的有唷!在英文中,如果我們說某食物是 an acquired taste,就表示你不是第一口就愛上那個食物,而是經年累月下,慢慢喜歡上的,它的英英解釋為:a thing you do not but gradually learn to like(一個你不喜歡但漸漸學著喜歡的事物)。
那講到這,大家心目中應該都有一些符合 acquired taste 的美食名單了吧。這邊小編列舉一些公認的 acquired taste,看看你中了幾個:alcohol 酒精、anchovy 鯷魚、caviar 魚子醬、coffee 咖啡、olive 橄欖、sushi 壽司、kimichi 泡菜。
我們也用 acquired taste 來造幾個句子:
I used to detest durians. But they're an acquired taste so I enjoy them now.(我以前很討厭榴槤。但我發現那是要多嘗試幾次才會習慣的,所以我現在很喜歡。)
Coffee is very much an acquired taste. Many people fall gradually in love with it as they grow older.(咖啡絕對不是一開始就會喜歡喝的。很多人會隨著年齡增長而漸漸愛上。)
For me, offals are sort of an acquired taste. I hated them as a kid but love them as a grown-up.(內臟算是我花點時間才喜歡上的東西。我小時候很討厭,但長大了很愛。)
而除了食物之外,acquired taste 也能拿來形容其他事物唷。舉個例子:
This manga is an acquired taste. The drawing is cute in an ugly way.(這部漫畫要花點時間才會喜歡上。它的畫風醜得可愛。)
acquire a taste for something
這邊我們也來學學動詞的用法。如果你想表示「慢慢喜歡上某物」,就可以說 acquire a taste for something。例如:
Diane has recently acquired a taste for stinky tofu.(Diane 最近開始喜歡上臭豆腐的滋味。)
I can never acquire a taste for taro. It’s disgusting!(我永遠不會懂芋頭好吃的點。它好噁心!)
- 2025.01.13
- 2024.03.01
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